We have listed below the most common forms that you may require from H M Revenue & Customs and Companies House and can be opened as a PDF to allow you to print off and complete the required information
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Carter & Co Standard Terms of Business
Our Standard Terms of Business.
HM Revenue & Customs Forms
Authorising your agent.
Becoming self employed and registering for National Insurance contributions and/or tax.
Child benefit claim form.
Return of class 1a national insurance contributions due.
Dispensation for expenses payments and benefits in kind.
Student employees.
Notice of new employee
Car provided for the private use of an employee or director.
Corporation Tax - New Company Details.
Corporation tax - details of clubs, societies, voluntary associations and other similar bodies.
Application for registration.
Partnership details.
Application to cancel your VAT registration.
Request for transfer of a registration number.
Click here to access more HM Revenue & Customs forms.
Change of accounting reference date.
Dormant Company Accounts (DCA).
Annual Return.
Change of registered office address.
Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL).
Change of location of the company records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL).
Change of location of the company records to the registered office.
Appointment of director.
Appointment of corporate director.
Appointment of secretary.
Appointment of corporate secretary.
Termination of appointment of director.
Termination of appointment of secretary
Change of director's details.
Change of corporate director's details.
Change of secretary's details.
Change of corporate secretary's details.
Striking off application by a company.
Withdrawal of striking off application by a company.
Application to register a company.
Notice of appointment of an administrative receiver, receiver or manager.
Particulars of a mortgage or charge.
Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge.
Special resolution on change of name.
Written special resolution on change of name.
Return of allotment of shares.
Return of purchase of own shares.
Notice of cancellation of shares.
Notice of name or other designation of class of shares.
Statement of capital (Section 644 & 649).
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